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Wine Specs
Long Island

2021 Oyster River Morphos Pet Nat Rose

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If the location doesn’t make sense, that’s because winemaking in the northeast is a totally different ball game than what most Californians know. Merlot grown on Long Island gets trucked up to Maine where the talented fermentation team at Oyster River Winegrowers (known for ciders and other living beverages) bottles this petillant naturel, the pre-champagne way of making sparkling wine.

I’m not going to mince words here. It’s tomatoey, yeasty, and tastes more like kombucha than wine. Some of our customers reeaaallllly like it. And some don’t. Pairs with mole and other complex foods.

Wine Profile
Winemaker Notes
Open top fermentation at Oyster River in Warren Maine. Bottled unfined and unfiltered. No disgorgement.
Food Pairing Notes
Salad with vinegar dressings, mole and tamales